From the editor's desk: Step up or shut up

By Sarah Nigbor
Posted 8/16/23

I’m sick and tired of people complaining, so I’m calling them out.

I like Facebook because it allows me to keep up with goings-on of family and friends. I like the community pages, …

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From the editor's desk: Step up or shut up


I’m sick and tired of people complaining, so I’m calling them out.

I like Facebook because it allows me to keep up with goings-on of family and friends. I like the community pages, such as “Ellsworth WI Community Happenings,” when they share truthful information on events, etc. But lately those community pages have become a platform for people to be nasty and rude, complain and spread misinformation. It infuriates me.

For example, this past weekend people have been online complaining about the Pierce County Fair prices, the parking, the demo derby, and God knows what else. Not to mention the paragraphs of misinformation on the proposed contained anaerobic digester that Bigadan wants to build in East Ellsworth. Before that it was the Cheese Curd Festival and its volunteers getting attacked. Even the people who sell sweet corn in East End Park were under fire. Who knows what it will be next.

I’m not perfect. I make mistakes because I am human. When I make a mistake in the paper, I thank whoever brought it to my attention and I correct it. That’s called accountability. Is it embarrassing? Sure it is. But what about all the people posting things on social media that are incorrect? None of them go back and correct anything. People just spew out “information” and opinions as fact without checking their accuracy. Why in the world would any of those people know more about an anaerobic digester than the people involved with the project? If you have questions, ask them! Don’t ask the yutzes on Facebook who have no idea what they are talking about.

Am I being a bit harsh? Yes, I am. Because my blood is boiling.

I saw at least two posts this weekend calling the Ellsworth Funsters Demo Derby “ridiculous” and “awful.” I was not able to attend, but apparently there were less vehicles than usual. One person was again complaining about the ticket prices.

The Funsters are a volunteer group who run this derby every year as a fundraiser for the good work they do in the community. They are out there getting ready for the derby at dawn and are there long past the fair closing to clean it up. It takes months of preparation, coordination and volunteers to pull this event off. They are not professional derby organizers or promoters, but dang it, they do the best they can. Not to mention the wonderful things they do for the community with the money they raise: The annual Easter Egg hunt, Santa visit, parade appearances, Pumpkin in the Park, fishing contest, to name a few. So for people to insult this organization and event is disgraceful. I am ashamed of those people.

If you want a successful event, you must participate, whether that is by volunteering, entering a vehicle, or attending. People who do not volunteer to help make things better, who do not offer solutions instead of complaints, have no right to say a thing. If you have time to complain, you have time to offer a solution. Maybe you have some great ideas to make things better. Then share those, not your negativity.

I want to thank all the community organizations and volunteers who do wonderful things for our community. Thank you for caring. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your action. 

I’m asking those who sit and complain and do nothing to get involved. It’s incredibly rewarding to serve other people. Working in the 4-H Food Stand at the fair this year, my heart melted when I saw the looks on the kids’ faces as they took orders and served food to people. They felt accomplished, like they had done something worthwhile. Is it better to be a keyboard warrior, showing your kids how to stir the pot on social media, or is it better to better your community by volunteering with that time? You tell me. You like to give your opinions, right? Email me at

From the editor, Sarah Nigbor, volunteering, column, opinion