From the editor's desk: Why on deadline day?

By Sarah Nigbor
Posted 8/3/23

Am I the only one looking forward to school starting? I like routine, not the chaos of kids running rampant throughout the house driving me insane. Do you know what it’s like to try to write an …

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From the editor's desk: Why on deadline day?


Am I the only one looking forward to school starting? I like routine, not the chaos of kids running rampant throughout the house driving me insane. Do you know what it’s like to try to write an article on a complicated topic like CAFO regulations on deadline with kids jabber-jawing in your face nonstop? Here is a sampling of today’s earth-shattering questions that HAD to be answered RIGHT NOW:

Do you know anyone who’s ever had a tapeworm?

Can I get a tapeworm from blackberries?

Why is Washington D.C. not in a state?

Why does Trapper (our dog) lick his butt?

How do you say shut up in French?

When can we go to a Brewer game?

Did you know I can get my driver’s license in three years and four months?

Can I give Snuggles (the cat) a bath?

Why is 4-H good for you?

I’m glad they’re inquisitive, but NOT ON DEADLINE DAY FOR GOD’S SAKE. And it doesn’t matter if Shane is around. Number one, he is oblivious to everything going on around him and number two, they still ask me even if he’s paying attention. And sometimes he joins in with the questions. Have you seen my wallet? Should we have corn for dinner six days from now? Can you take the truck in for an oil change in three weeks? And I want to say, can you ask me this after deadline?

So go in another room, you say? Ha. They will find me. Go to the office? When they’re in school I can.

If they’re not asking questions, they’re wrestling and annoying each other. Our living room frequently turns into a WWE ring complete with body slams and headlocks. Throw pillows go flying, blankets are knocked askew, the dog runs in circles barking with joy and the cat hides in the basement (take me with you). Inevitably someone ends up crying. No matter how many times I tell them not to wrestle because of that very reason, it never sinks in. The temptation is too great and they just can’t help themselves.

If they’re not bickering or asking me questions they’re hungry. Tonight I asked the 16-year-old to cook with the 12-year-old as an assistant. Let’s just say making spaghetti with homemade meat sauce was quite the job for them, but they were proud when they were done. And it was edible! More cooking lessons are in order.

With the Pierce County Fair just around the corner, school isn’t far behind and I cannot wait. I even have the school shopping done ahead of time this year. Hubby goes back to school this week in the form of two-a-day football practices. Carolina has Jump Start and has started band lessons with her shiny new flute. Don’t get me wrong, I love them all dearly, but sensory overload is a real thing – especially on deadline day.

From the editor, Sarah Nigbor, column, opinion