Letter to the editor: We don't need more CAFOs

Posted 6/8/23

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Letter to the editor: We don't need more CAFOs


To the editor,

The mission of the KIAP-TU-WISH Chapter of Trout Unlimited is to preserve, protect, and restore cold-water fisheries and their watersheds, so our children can experience the joy of native trout. We achieve this through habitat restoration, advocacy, access acquisition, and education. Our local chapter has been made aware of the proposed Ridge Breeze CAFO expansion in Salem Township. We recognize the importance of agriculture both as a producer of essential food crops and as part of the economic backbone of Wisconsin. Recent experience with poorly operated CAFOs in our area has been negative. Major fish kills, serious environmental damage, and danger to human health as a result of manure spills has occurred. Sadly there are no changes in permitting, no repercussions, no penalties, and no consequences for these violations.

We are fortunate to have a multitude of cold-water streams and rivers in our area, most of which run through private agricultural lands. Our chapter has invested over $700,000 and tens of thousands of volunteer hours in our geographical area alone following this mission. Watershed improvements benefit fish and wildlife, landowners through reduced erosion and flood damage, recreational opportunities with better access, and provide direct economic benefit to the state and local communities.

Please go to, https://www.kiaptuwish.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/CAFO-KIAP-5-23-docx.docx, to find out why KIAP TU opposes further development and expansion of (CAFOs) in western Wisconsin. You will also discover why we support a moratorium on all new permits and expansions until proper safeguards can be implemented and what those safeguards are.

Bottom line, we don’t need a CAFO in this delicate and sensitive area that resides in the Rush River and Pine Creek watersheds. There are areas of this world that are too valuable and unique to lose and destroy. Our Driftless area, unique in all the world, is one of them.


Greg Olson

President of KIAP-TU-WISH


CAFOs, Kiap-Tu-Wish, letters, opinion