Letter to the editor: Smith wants to divide us

Posted 8/3/23

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Letter to the editor: Smith wants to divide us


To the editor,

I read Sen. Jeff Smith's (D) column and was again amazed by how much he does not represent this district. His column was about the disabled and the laws passed in the 90's that helped all people have greater access.

I recently have become part of the disabled community by being diagnosed with a rare form of cancer here in my 40's. If I need to go anywhere it's with a cane, walker, wheelchair, or combination.

He does a decent job of laying out the history of the activism in the 90's that led to the changes that were made. However, he then starts to talk about "disability pride." I am not proud to be disabled, and I don't think anyone else is either. Pride is one of the seven deadly sins and any God-fearing person should not take part in any of it.

And then comes the kicker of talking about "normal" people. I recognize there are normal people, and I also recognize I am not one of them anymore. He then talks about changing what it means to be normal. I do not expect the world to change for me, I have to make changes to adapt to being handicapped.

It's just more identity politics meant to divide us into the groups we are put in by politicians like Mr. Smith. Victims on one side, oppressors on the other. I am no victim and expect no special accommodations when I go out.

It's been amazing how the "normal" people whom I am supposed to despise bend over backwards for me without being asked. It helps me and makes them feel good. Maybe we should start to feel good instead of dividing us by groups. Mr. Smith, quit boxing me in a group.

Nick Kathrine


Sen. Jeff Smith, disability pride, politics, letters