Letter to the editor: Smith is just for himself

Posted 7/27/23

To the editor,

With great amusement do I read Sen. Jeff Smith’s column last two weeks. Oh how classical to blame others to cover one’s moral failings. Just look at his smiling face. …

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Letter to the editor: Smith is just for himself


To the editor,

With great amusement do I read Sen. Jeff Smith’s column last two weeks. Oh how classical to blame others to cover one’s moral failings. Just look at his smiling face. Would you buy a used car from this man?

I am not democrat or republican but logic suggests this man has motives to just keep his job. For instance, saying more money is needed for public schools. When many here in west Wisconsin know that things taught and promoted in our schools are hateful and against nature’s God. And to suggest (Sen. Smith’s column July 12) that Minnesota is freer because of legalizing marijuana laws is stupid. Last week four cars and me coming into Menomonie on 29 had to avoid a stoned driver in broad daylight as she was driving all over the road at 40 mph and smiling in a 55 mph zone! When will these politicians realize there is no freedom in sinful lifestyle?

And also Mr. Smith thinking Wisconsin people are going over to Minnesota for jobs? Well the newly arrived Latin Americans KNOW where the jobs are: here. And my property now is highly desirable, thanks to people fleeing the craziness of Minnesota politics!

Another thing these people in power try to convey is rich people are evil. Somewhat of a joke considering how hard it is to hang onto a dollar and invest in local business. Look at all the new people here in Baldwin from India. I wonder where they got the money to start businesses here? God bless people who WANT to work and prosper WITHOUT government subsidies! And these government handouts do not promote self-worth but only dependance. Our ancestors relied on two things: God and the weather. And that made the USA great, not crazy government laws!

I feel bad for local police who have to deal with immoral and crazy people. My prayers are for them and their families. If national chaos comes, it will be the local sheriffs and not the government who will help us find food and shelter.


Steve Gullixson


Sen. Jeff Smith, morals, politics, government, letters, opinion