Letter to the editor: Vote so the world has a chance

Posted 11/1/22

To the editor, In Brazil voters have just replaced cli mate change denier Jair Bolsonaro with a president who takes this existential planetary threat seriously. This means that the Brazil ian rain …

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Letter to the editor: Vote so the world has a chance


To the editor,

In Brazil voters have just replaced climate change denier Jair Bolsonaro with a president who takes this existential planetary threat seriously. This means that the Brazil ian rain forests, so essential to moderating Earth’s climate, have a chance. This is good news for us all.

What does that have to do with us in Wisconsin? Plenty. In this interconnected, interdependent world, anyone who harms the environment harms us all. No country or people is immune to the damage of unchecked climate change. One way or another the disasters come calling at our door, either as destructive weather events (including cli mate-induced crop failure) or less directly as worldwide food and water shortages, fuel shortages, civil unrest, war, pandemic, and mass human migrations.

Last week a new UN climate report indicated that the three main greenhouse gases — carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide — have hit record levels, with methane seeing its largest annual increase in 40 years.

The world is failing to meet the greenhouse gas reduction goals necessary to avert catastrophic climate-related death and suuering in our present century.

Now more than ever we need to hold our elected ovcials to the task of safeguarding and stewarding a planet where all may thrive.

We need to vote out our home-grown Bol- sonaros so the forests, fields, and waters not only of our country but of the world still have a chance. Find out where your candidates stand and on Nov. 8 vote for Earth.

Thomas R. Smith

River Falls

Brazil, climate change, denial, vote, letters, opinion